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    Procurement Policy

    Our procurement from suppliers complies with its Procurement Policy

    We believe that if we are to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, it is essential that our awareness is shared across the procurement supply chain.We are asking our suppliers to understand the Procurement Policy shown below and respect the our Charter of Corporate Behavior and CSR Procurement Guidelines in business transactions with us.

    1. Procurement Policy

    1.We comply with laws, regulations and social norms.
    2.Based on the idea of free competition, we select suppliers in a stringent manner by providing fair and equal opportunities.
    3.We share mutual interests and benefits with suppliers based on the idea of mutual prosperity.
    4.We engage in open communication and build a relationship of trust with suppliers.
    5.We conduct improvement activities proactively in collaboration with suppliers.

    2. CSR Procurement Guidelines

    To fulfill our corporate social responsibility, we carry out procurement activities in accordance with the following policies:

    1.Compliance with laws and regulations

    We comply with laws and regulations, including the competition laws, trade laws, environmental laws and social norms of relevant countries.

    2.Respect for human rights

    We do not deal with business entities that would use forced or child labor, that would engage in unlawful employment of foreign nationals or any other illegal employment and that would not satisfy industrial safety and health requirements.


    We prioritize the safety of customers and consumers and purchase products that satisfy safety requirements.

    4.Green procurement

    We prioritize the safety of customers and consumers and purchase products that satisfy safety requirements.


    We deal with suppliers that can appropriately manage and control the confidentiality of information on customers, individuals and technologies, etc. obtained through business transactions.

    6.Elimination of anti-social forces

    We do not deal with any organized crime groups, any of their members and related individuals nor any other antisocial forces as well as any business entities associated with them.

    7.Activities regarding conflict minerals

    We strive to avoid purchasing minerals and products that use minerals from countries where inhumane armed forces are active and mining minerals for their financial resources.

    8.Contribution to local communities

    We contribute to the development of local communities by promoting business transactions with local suppliers.

    9.Sharing awareness with suppliers

    We strive to ensure that the NOK Charter of Corporate Behavior and the CSR Procurement Guidelines are respected throughout the supply chain.

    3. Requests to Our Suppliers

    Our Policy on Gifts and Entertainment

    Please note that we will decline the following gifts and entertainment from our suppliers.

    ・We will not accept any cash, gift certificates, gift cards for books, merchandise, or other types of gifts.
    ・We will not accept any special discount for the supplier’s products.
    ・We will decline invitations to such events as dining and golfing, unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and our company in advance.
    ・We will not sell or buy stock based on the supplier’s internal information.
    ・We will not accept any other gifts or entertainment that are socially inappropriate.

    4. Consultation Desk

    We have a consultation desk to address compliance issues regarding transactions with MEKTEC CORPORATION and our Group companies.

    General Affairs Section, General Affairs Department, Corporate Administration Division, MEKTEC CORPORATION
    E-mail Address:tekisei_torihiki@mektron.co.jp

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